A New Way of Working

Have you heard? Mindfulness in the workplace is a leading edge business practice splashing across the front pages of The New York Times, Fast Company, Harvard Business Review and more. So why all the fuss?

Today’s work environment is one of high pressure, information overload, “always on” connectivity and continuous distraction. It’s a fact – 70% of today’s white-collar employees feel they have no time for creative or strategic thinking.* The result is mental fragmentation and poor productivity – too many wheels spinning and not enough forward motion. Sound familiar?

The crux of the problem is two-sided. Not only do we suffer from the scientifically proven downside of multi-tasking,** but in attempting to keep all those balls in the air, we reinforce reactive behavior and inadvertently train our brains to make ineffective multi-tasking our “default” mode of neural operation. This mindlessness impacts everything from productivity to creativity, from executive leadership to front line customer interface, and everything in between.

And it takes a toll. The “work harder, do it all” mentality behind the balancing act results in a feeling of inadequacy on all fronts. Never enough time for work or family, much less personal care; the demands of the modern workplace result in marital distress, addictive behavior, chronic health diseases, and a sense of being more drained than passionate. All of which impacts employee engagement and the cost of corporate health care.

Mindfulness training helps. Mental training for focus and awareness actually changes the way the brain operates. Training for attentional aptitude leads to greater mental focus and clarity: stay focused on what you want, for as long as you want, without being swept away by distraction. Cultivating awareness improves perspective taking and critical thinking, boosting social, emotional and relational intelligence. It’s a powerful combination of skills that takes a mere 10 minutes a day to maintain and actually feels pleasant during the process.

Relaxed, focused, clarity. Do you remember what relaxed feels like? When is the last time you took a full, deep breath? What would your workday feel like if you were able to tap into an inner state of relaxed, focused clarity throughout your day?

Welcome to a new way of working: Less intensity and more intention. More Mindful and less Mind Full.